Sunday, November 4, 2012

IOD Masterpiece 33

We can barely remember the last time we went solo with no guests. While we love having guests to chat with, it was fun to do it like in the olden days and just talk about stuff. We had out trivia challenge, a tough question for Jenny, Lists of Excellence, the impact of Disney buying Star Wars, was it Joe Biden or Michael Scott, November holidays, Cusack does Limbaugh, Orajel creeps Sean out, throat tickle noises, Louis CK does SNL, FUN is not a power trio, Goodbye to Bourdain (for now), covered a few good movies and our favorite tv series for the week, at one point we literally lose control of our functions in a fit of laughter, and lots more I forgot to write down. We drank many good beers from Double Mountain, Old Schoolyard, New Belgium's Lips of Faith series, and Stone Brewers. A huge thanks to our friends at Thanks for listening.

MP3 File