Our bestest buddy David Daniel from CNN joins us for a conversation about 3D movies, the box office, Tom Hanks, Wil Wheaton and what makes a person nerd out.
Ikea or Death Metal Band Name Quiz,
Some info on Bees,
Adam Carolla rocks Mainbrew,
50 Shades of Grey movie is light on men,
Oregon ROCKS the Great American Beer Fest,
10 most watched tv series finales of all time,
Portland's Top 5 Foliage Walks,
We survived a big beer tasting,
New Pearl Jam,
Beer Snobbery,
& New American Horror Story is Awesome.
And Cool People Are Dead, Tough Questions, In Your Facebook, Smart Wars, & Birthday Shout Outs.
Show beer was Stickmen Brewery's Buona Mattina Coffee Porter.
A big thanks to David Daniel, Mainbrew, and YOU!
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