Monday, February 24, 2014

IOD Episode 101 - Beer 101

How does a show of our caliber get reduced from a conversation about brewing beer in space to a debate on having space sex? Well, because it's us. Douglas Remington and Marcus Heckel sit in with us to have a few beers, talk about Mainbrew's ABV Tap House, and we just get silly.

Ellen Page comes out and nobody cares, which is good,
The Ukraine and Venezuela are engulfed in a fiery revolution and all the media cares about is hot chicks floating in space,
Pussy Riot gets beaten and whipped in public,
And People who have turned down SNL.

Show Beer was Laurelwood's Cable Knit Rye Pale Ale. Pre-Show Beer was Green Flash's Hop Odyssey Black IPA.

A big thanks to Marcus and Douglas, Mainbrew, and all your love.

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